
Privacy Policy

One of our main priorities is the privacy of our visitors.

Privacy Policy

To Our Clients:

At FishBone Financial Services LLC, safeguarding your privacy and maintaining your trust and confidence are paramount to us. We understand and respect your right to keep your personal information confidential and to avoid unwanted solicitations. Recent legal changes necessitate us, along with banks, brokerage houses, and other financial institutions, to disclose our Privacy Policy to you. By taking a few moments to review it, we hope to provide you with a clear understanding of how we handle the information you entrust to us and how we ensure its privacy and security.

Types of Information We Collect

We only collect personal information about you when it is provided by you or obtained with your authorization. This information is utilized for preparing your personal  income tax returns, offering accounting and bookkeeping services, and may include various tax and consulting services at your request.

Sources from which we collect information may include:

  • Interviews, consultations, and phone calls with you.
  • Correspondence such as letters, emails, faxes, or text messages from you.
  • Tax return or tax planning organizers.
  • Statements from financial institutions.
  • Historical documents, including tax returns.

Parties to Whom We Disclose Information

As a general practice, we do not disclose personal information about our clients or former clients to any third parties. However, under certain circumstances and to the extent permitted by law, nonpublic information about you may be disclosed in the following situations:

  • Compliance with a validly issued and enforceable subpoena or summons.
  • In response to a review of our firm’s practices authorized by a state or national licensing board or in handling inquiries or complaints from such entities.
  • In connection with actual or threatened legal proceedings or alternative dispute resolution proceedings initiated by or against us, where only necessary information is disclosed to file, pursue, or defend the lawsuit.
  • Disclosure to affiliates and non-affiliated third parties who perform services or functions for us in conjunction with our services to you, provided there is a contractual agreement prohibiting disclosure or use of the information for other purposes.

Confidentiality and Security of Nonpublic Personal Information

Except as detailed in this notice, access to nonpublic personal information about you is restricted to our firm’s employees and other parties who require such information to provide services to you. Their ability to disclose and use this information is limited by our firm’s policies, applicable law, our Code of Professional Conduct, and appropriate nondisclosure agreements. Additionally, we maintain physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards in compliance with laws and regulations to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, alteration, or premature destruction.

Thank you for entrusting FishBone Financial Services LLC with your accounting and bookkeeping needs. We highly value your business and remain committed to protecting your privacy. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or if we can be of further assistance.